Sometimes assets are held so that the only way to transfer them to your loved ones is through what is known as “probate.” In probate, a judge supervises the procedure, which makes it relatively costly and lengthy. With proper advance planning, probate can be avoided. We will be pleased to show you how this can be accomplished.

If your loved one has already died, and probate is unavoidable, our attorneys will work with you to minimize both the delay and the expense. When there is probate, a legal entity called the estate is created. Our office will guide you through the various steps of the probate procedure and explain the options available to you. The probate process is also known as estate administration.

Sometimes, as a result of a death, a Trust needs to be administered. Trust administration is normally without court supervision, so it proceeds more quickly and inexpensively than does probate.

Fred E. Glickman, P.A.

9990 SW 77th Ave, PH-11
Miami, FL 33156

